Useful Telephone Numbers

Whipps Cross and Barts Health Hospital Referral Queries

  • Whipp Cross Hospital and Barts Health NHS trust PALS service

Telephone: 0208 535 6438 

Office Hours: 9.30 to 4.30pm Mon to Friday

email:   or  


  • Whipps Cross Hospital AIRS Service for delayed hospital referrals

Telephone: 0345 602 9906 or 0207 767 3205       Email:

  • Whipps Cross Hospital delayed Referral Appointment

Telephone: For Whipps Cross Hospital call: 020 8535 6768 OR Switchboard 020 8539 5522.


  • Whipps Cross Hospital TWO WEEK WAIT CANCER REFERRAL direct line for queries

Telephone: 0207 767 3303 option 2


Delayed Hospital Referral Appointments

Other Hospital Appointments:

If the hospital has not contacted you within 6 weeks please call the Central Appointments team:

· For The Royal London Hospital, Mile End Hospital or St Bartholomew's Hospital (non-cardiac patients) call: 020 7767 3200

· For Newham Hospital call: 020 7476 4000

Local food banks

Up to date as of November 2024 local food help and where to get free supplies for those in need, Where to find food - Spring 2025.docx.pdf

Useful Telephone Numbers


Xray's appointment booking and chasing results at Whipps Cross Hospital 

Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm

0207 767 3323 Option 4

Walk in service, no appointment required

Kooth Free Mental Health Support for Young People

Home - Kooth

Dental Outreach Services North East London

Click here - Inhaler technique


NHS111 for all advice to do with NHS services available 24/7

dial 111

NELFT Dressing Clinics - Patients can self refer

0300 300 1710 - 8am to 7pm

Community Midwife

Magnolia Ward

0208 539 5522 Extension option 4

Extension 5055 or telephone 0208 558 0234

Incontinence Services

0208 430 8258

Social Services

0208 496 3000 option 2 Adults

0208 496 2310 Child

Age UK Waltham Forest

0208 558 8716

Silverthorn Centre

Blood test


Book online here

Whipps Cross Hospital

0208 539 5522

Appointments Call Centre 0208 535 6768

North Middlesex Hospital

0208 887 2000

Help on Call

0208 496 3000 Switch board

Counselling Services and First Contact Mental Health Therapies (IAPT)

Please self refer by clicking here

Waltham Forest 0300 300 1554 option 4


Redbridge 0300 300 1554 option 1

Rapid Response

0300 300 1710

Sexual Health Service Call Centre


MSI Reproductive Choices: 108 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 5BE.

Offers: Abortion, STI Screening including HIV testing, LARC fitting and removal,

and Counselling services. Interpreters are available on request.

 0207 480 4737

0345 300 8090 

Covid-19 Positive Self Referral Line for vulnerable patient groups in North East London

0203 196 3239

GP and Nurse Out of Hours Appointments


0208 519 3999

12:00 - 20:00 Weekdays
08:00 - 18:00 Weekends

Breast Screening Services

0203 758 2024


0208 520 9191

116 123 Free for mobiles

0330 094 5717

Alcohol and Drug misuse free local confidential service

0208 221 7600

Mental Health NELFT Helpline available 24/7

Give advice on mental health issues and signposting to best available service in area.

0800 995 1000

Occupational Support and Therapy- self refer for assessment

0208 496 3000

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including Learning Disabilities. Information about services and support available from birth to 25 years of age. It covers a wide range of areas, such as education, health, social care, and leisure activities.

Select here to go to the website

STOP Smoking service for all Waltham Forest residents to self refer by email or telephone.

0207 882 8230   9.30am to 4.00pm Mon to Friday

Why Weight - to self refer for weight loss advice

0208 430 8090


Mental Health and Crisis Support

The NELFT Mental Health Direct Helpline for mental health concerns, advice or signposting is available 24/7 on 0800 995 1000.


Mental Health Integrated Crisis Assessment Hub (ICAH), Block 8, Goodmayes hospital, Barley Lane, Ilford, IG3 8XJ that provides crisis services to Waltham Forest patients 24 hours a daythis can include walk-in services, they can be contacted 0300 555 1200 Ext 67774.

Jane Atkinson Health Centre, 714 Forest Road, London, E17 3HP that provides mental health and crisis services to Waltham Forest patients during Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, this can include walk-in services, they can be contacted on 0300 300 1570 Option 4.


Samaritans Helpline is 0208 520 9191  or  116 123.


Suicidal Feelings support website is found here Contact telephone 0300 561 0115.


Alcohol or Drug misuse for advice that is free and confidential in Waltham Forest CGL can be reached on 0203 828 9600.


Access and assessment teams offer advice and assessments for mental health conditions your local team is 0800 995 1000.


Campaigning against living misterably (CALM) website is found here Contact Telephone 0800 585858.


SHOUT a free SMS messaging service website is found here Text SHOUT to 85258 


Attending A&E should be considered as a last resort in case of crisis or acute distress or when the above contacts are insufficient. 

National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS)

Women can self-refer via the website or by calling 0333 004 6666